Christopher Arraya

I'm a Morehead-Cain scholar at UNC Chapel Hill that's on academic leave to build a startup.

In April of 2024, I decided to take a year off of school to go fulltime into building and scaling a startup. In the past, I attended the top high school in the country and was awarded the oldest merit scholarship in the nation (as a first-generation college student), won Best AI Hack at the largest collegiate hackathon, and advised countries worldwide on AI in criminal justice and society.

Now, I'm trying to build the future of living. A residence that lives, breathes, and provides for you.



Feel free to reach out at
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Baby photo Mama and baby Papa and baby Little abuelo Cousins Chris and Sam Superman Ring pop Smile Seven Abuelos at dinner Soccer Colin Burns Pool Silpancho Graduation Carolina parents Samantha hug Abuelos hugging Morehead arch